Lisa Sewell headshot

About Lisa Sewell 

Lisa Sewell was born and raised in California and educated at UC Berkeley, New York University, and Tufts University. Although she has lived on the East Coast for many years, she still dreams of swimming in the Pacific Ocean and hiking in the Sierras.

She is the author of The Way Out (Alice James Books), Name Withheld (Four Way Books), Impossible Object (The Word Works), which won the Tenth Gate Prize, Birds of North America, a collaboration with artist Susan Hagen and fellow poet, Nathalie Anderson, and Flood Plain (Grid Books), as well as a chapbook, Long Corridor, which won the Keystone Prize.

She has also co-edited several collections of essays on North American poetry and poetics, including North American Women Poets in the Twenty-First Century with Kazim Ali. Her poems have appeared widely in journals such as The Paris Review, Ploughshares, The Sierra Review, Prairie Schooner, Laurel Review, and Harvard Review. She teaches at Villanova University and divides her time between Philadelphia, PA, and White Salmon, WA.